Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another baby hoodie... I loved the stripes on the original pattern, and thought that stripes would be a nice idea on my second version of this pattern. However, with this knitted again on the knitting machine, I can only thread the machine for 2 colours at a time, and so larger stripes seemed a good idea. However, with stripes of 4 rows, the yarns floats were too long not to cut, leaving with a million little ends to sew in. All in all, not such a good idea. Hence the plain arms and hood. I love the colours and the yarn is soft. But I am quite worried that the arms are too thin, not sure how that could have happened but they do look a bit odd.


Pattern: Bobbie from Rowan Classic Bambino

Yarn: Sirder Snuggly double knitting; colours 0256, 0260, 0251

Needles: Knit on the machine with settings 3 at top, and 8 on the carriage, I got guage of about 28sts and 40 rows per inch. Pattern should have been 22sts and 30 rows, so that wasn't good, but it looks ok

The bootees are Almost Perfect Baby Booties which knitted up quickly, and I like the result. Not quite as quick as the Mary Jane bootees I last knit but a nice design for a little boy


1 comment:

Rachel said...

Curious where you got the pattern
and love the booties. What kind of knitting machine do you have ? Thanks Rachel