Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I own a knitting machine!

I've been given a knitting machine!
My boss was in his loft to get the christmas decorations down, and decided clear out some of the junk. One thing he noticed was his mums old knitting machine, not used since she moved abroad. And he thought I might be interested or know someone at my knitting group who might be. Otherwise he was going to throw it away. It seemed too good to say no, so today he brought it into work for me, and now it's sitting in my kitchen and I'm wondering where on earth to start.

I have been wondering about knitting machines ever since i first noticed the price one was going for on ebay, when i could have bought a kntting machine and wool winder for less than a wool winder on it's own. But with the possibility a second hand one might need a lot of work to get it running, I've never quite persuaded myself into it. But this knitting machine seems to have all the parts mentioned in the instruction book, including unused punch cards, and a wool winder! And I seem to have about 4 years worth of "The Modern Knitter" including some amazing old patterns, and recipes.

Now I just need to decide where to start.

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